Due to maintenance, Polaris will be unavailable on 26-th November 2024 from 08:00 to 12:00.
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 24th of January, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking ...
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 7th of February, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking ...
Dear Rotaractors, guests and friends, we are to invite you to an Adventure the the special kind. We will visit the Adventure Room Original. You and your group are locked into a room and have exactly 30 minutes to escape. We will play in the modus 6vs6. Find your route to escape by discover...
Dear members and guests, we are very happy to host the members of the Rotary Club of Zürich-Bellerive at Café Schober the upcoming Tuesday. The major idea of this meeting will be to strengthen the relationship between Rotaract and Rotary, learn from each other and, especially for the less expe...
Dear Rotaractors, guests and friends, we are really happy to be able to invite you to the third occasion of our series of Charter Planning Meetings. We are going to meet on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 in the Züristube of Café Schober. You can be really excited about all the updates from the dif...
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 7th of March, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking abo...
Dear Rotaractors and friends We are happy to invite you to our yearly meeting with Rotary Zurich. This year Mr. Markus Neuhaus, Mr. Pius Baschera and Mr. Niklaus Peter have accepted our invitation. We will have a short panel discussion with a focus on personal development and corporate cu...
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 21st of March, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking ab...
Dear members, candidates and guests, farmy.ch is a young startup based in Zürich. We are happy to welcome Roman Hartmann, Co-Founder and CEO of farmy.ch who will explain the concept of an online grocery store serving high quality food from local producers. On March 28th at 19:00, we have an ...
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 4th of April, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking abo...
Dear Rotaracter, Guests, there are only eight weeks left until our big charter weekend! Together we have already achieved many great things to ensure an awesome party! Next Tuesday we want to take the opportunity to inform you about all progress that we have done so far, give you the possibility...
will follow
Dear members, candidates and guests, we are happy to be able to invite you to a unique event offered by our guest Gianluca. He will give us an introduction into the secrets of the game Bridge. Bridge is one of the few card games, being also played in professional tournamets like chess. Clever...
Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und interessierte Gäste, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 2nd of May, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking about...
Dear members, candidates and guests, we would like to invite you to the second half year's social project with the "Swiss Living and working center for people with mobility disabilities (IWAZ)". This social project has become a tradition over the last years. The residents are already eagerly aw...
Liebe RotaracterInnen, Wir freuen uns, euch am 20. Juni 2017 zur ordentlichen Generalversammlung einladen zu dürfen. Der offizielle Teil für alle aktiven Mitglieder und Seniors beginnt um 19.00 Uhr, anschließend werden wir ab 20.30 Uhr den Abend bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen ausklingen lassen...
Liebe Mitglieder, Gäste und Interessenten, wir freuen uns sehr am kommenden Dienstag euch zum 1. Stamm nach der Sommerpause zu begrüssen, diesmal an einem anderen Ort: im Restaurant zum Grünen Glas. Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle einen wunderbaren Sommer und seid nun voller Elan für die kommenden M...
Der berühmte erste Eindruck, ist es wirklich so wichtig? Wie wirke ich mit meiner Kleidung auf andere? Ist Stil erlernbar? Was sind die gravierendsten Fehler? Wie beeinflusse ich meine Umgebung mit meinem Auftreten? Was hat Körpersprache und Stil gemeinsam? Diesen Fragen werden wi...
Schwarzenbach - eines der ältesten Geschäfte im Zürcher Niederdorf. Wir werden von Hr. Schwarzenbach persönlich einen Vortrag über die Geschichte des Kolonialwarengeschäftes hören mit anschliessender Kostprobe durch die Vielfalt seines Geschäfts. Lasst euch mitnehmen auf eine kulinarische...
Our regular guest Luigi Bruno will give us a presentation and insights into his FinTech StartUp. More information to follow soon.
Die angesehene Klimaforscherin Frau Prof. Dr. Schwikowski-Gigar wird uns von ihren vergangenen Expeditionen in den Anden erzählen. More details to follow.
Everyone who has been to an European Rotaract event knows Craig - he's a super active Rotaractor and during these events photographer catching the memories of everyone. He'll talk about his journey through Rotaract and all the experiences he made so far.
Bernhard Pribyl - a regular guest in our club and past ERIC board member, started a few years ago with some fellow Rotaract friends from London the social project "Rotaract United for Nepal". Since then this project gained a lot of supporters all over the world and won the award for Best European S...
We will get a guided tour through and behind the scenes of the Zurich Opera house. More details to follow.
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As already anticipated, we would like to continue our informal meetings every Tuesday over the summer break and explore some new places. This time, we would like to meet at the Lady Hamilton's rooftop t...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, We will use this nice sunny weather to go for a series of minigolf at Dolder Sports. We will meet at 17:55 at Römerhof to take the Dolderbahn at 18:01 to go up to Dolder Sports. Or elsewise, we will meet at the entrance of the minigolf course at 18:15h....
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As the weather is promised to be nice again next Tuesday, we will meet again for another series of outdoor drinks. This time we will meet at Primitivo at Oberer Letten. We will meet on T...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As the weather should remain nice, we will go for another series of outdoor drinks. This time, we managed to book a table at the famous Rimini Bar! Please note, that we will only have the...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, Next Tuesday will be another Tuesday of an informal outdoor fun event! This time we will go for a boat trip on the Zurich lake! We will do the "kleine Seerundfahrt" starting from Bürkliplatz at 19.10h. Everyone will be responsible for purchasing his / he...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, This time, we would like to invite you to our Summer Informal Meeting at Frau Gerolds Garten. We will meet on Tuesday the 14th of August, 19:00 directly in the Bar (table reserved for Alexandra Heid...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, This time, we would like to invite you to our Summer Informal Meeting at Frau Gerolds Garten. We will meet on Tuesday the 14th of August, 19:00 directly in the Bar (table reserved for Alexandra Heidemann) fo...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, It’s bowling time! On Tuesday, 28th of August we meet on the terrace of Die Ziegelhütte (Hüttenkopfstrasse 70, 8051 Zürich). In case of moody weather we will go inside. The reservation is made on “Rotaract Club Zurich”. ...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As last Saturday's SUP had to be cancelled, we will give it another shot next Saturday (1st September). Please sign up in the Doodle if you can make it. It’s time for some action! RAC Zurich is going SUP! ...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, We are very happy to invite you to our first official meeting of the new club year. We will meet on September 4th at 19h in our standard room at Restaurant Vis-à-vis. (Please note that from this new year onwards, we will try to be very disciplined in pun...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, Saturday, 8th of September, and Sunday 9th of September, we will have a dear friend of ours visiting Zurich – Craig Leon Simons, past-president of Rotaract club of Hampstead, Hendon & Golders Green in London. Many of you know ...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As the summer is almost over and next week will perhaps be the last week with nice and warm weather, we have decided to do one last more informal meeting outside. We will meet at Lady Hamilton's Rooftop Terrace....
Dear Rotaracters & Guests, Turicum Gin – the Gin from Zürich started in 2013, when two friends visited English gin distilleries. Inspired by the craftsmanship, they decided to produce their own gin. With the help of their friends, it took the team no longer than two years to make their dream com...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 25th of September, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. This informal meeting will have no a...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, Zürich is home to one of the largest Google offices in the world where more than 2,000 employees work on products such as Google Maps, Youtube, and Gmail. And if you didn't have the chance to visit it yourself you for sure have already heard of the differen...
Dear club, With all our cool events happening outside of Vis-a-Vis, we have only little time to discuss very important club topics! There are some big news to share and plans to make. That’s why we decided to have an additional official meeting on October 9th at Vis-a-Vis! We hope as many a...
Liebe Rotaracter & Gäste, Am 16.10. besuchen wir das Babyfenster des Spitals Zollikerberg. Babyfenster gehen auf das 12. Jahrhundert zurück und bieten Müttern in Not die Möglichkeit ihr neugeborenes Kind anonym und sicher abzugeben. Dank solcher Babyfenster konnte die Zahl der getöteten oder...
Dear Rotaractors & Guests, Did you ever have the chance to make your own cheese? And have you ever visited the beautiful Einsiedeln Abbey? Well now you do and you get to do it in great company! :-) Rotaract Zürich is organizing a Saturday (20.10.) fun event in Einsiedeln with the following pr...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm. As already indicated, we will try out some new places across the city. This time, we will go to Down Under and have some nice Aussie food and drinks! :) We will have a table for 10 ...
* This Email is in German as it relates to an activity held in German language* Liebe Rotaracter und Gäste, Wir freuen uns euch zu unserem nächsten Vortag einzuladen. Wi...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm at the well known Bar BarMünster. We will meet on Tuesday the 6th of November, 19:00 directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking about plans f...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, We are glad to invite you to our next speech at Vis-à-Vis: Who are we? What if Darwinism were to be disproved and human history was older and more complex than previously thought? What are the consequences, responsibilities and opportunities for the futu...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, As already envisaged, we will kick-off with our new social project at the Animal Shelter! Now we have the green light and the concrete tasks ready for you. We will be at the Animal Shelter on November 17th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm to assist them wit...
Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, we would like to invite you for a session of our regular informal Stamm. ...