Informal Stamm @ Lady Hamilton's Rooftop Bar

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 19:00-22:00, Lady Hamilton's Bar; Beatengasse 11, Zürich

Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests, 

As already anticipated, we would like to continue our informal meetings every Tuesday over the summer break and explore some new places. This time, we would like to meet at the Lady Hamilton's rooftop terrace. 

We will meet on Tuesday the 10th of July, 19:00h directly in the Bar for a series of fun laughter and drinks. Let's enjoy the talking about plans for the summer and for the next Rotarian year 2018/19.

This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind, to listen about everybodies stories and lets continue to strengthen the social bonds between our club members. 

Please use this event as another occasion for our "Bring one Friend" Campaign, we have been very successful so far :). 

As we need to let the bar know in advance how many people we will be, I would like to ask you to register until Sunday. However, also spontaneous guests are welcome, but please let me know, also if you cannot come for some reason.  

Kosten: à la carte
Anmeldung bis: Sonntag 8. Juli 18h
Mitglieder und Gäste: [Doodle_link]
Bitte tragt euch mit vollem Namen ein, z.B. John Smith [Rotaract Club/ Gast]