Besuch bei Planted in Kemptthal (mit Rotary Zürich Turicum)

tisdag 29 oktober 2024 17:30-22:30, Bistro of Planted Foods AG, Kemptpark 32-34, 8310 Kemptthal

Together with the Rotary Club Zürich Turicum, we will visit the production of Planted in Kemptthal. Planted is a spin-off from ETH Zürich and produces plant-based meat alternatives.

Please sign up until October 18:

This meeting is held in an extraordinary location at the Bistro of Planted Foods AG, Kemptpark 32-34, 8310 Kemptthal.

Please be on time: Arrival from 17.30 until latest (!) 17.55 o'clock.

Note that there is a participation fee of CHF 40 (food and drinks included).

This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may be published. This presentation is held in German.