Rot. Giovanni Terrasi – Die Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMPA
dinsdag 4 maart 2025 19:00-21:30, Haus zum Rüden, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zürich
Sprekers: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Pietro Terrasi
Giovanni Terrasi will provide a historical overview of Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, which is part of the ETH Domain. He will also discuss the current research focus areas of his department, Mechanical Systems. His talk will highlight the evolution of Empa and provide insights into the innovative work being carried out in his field.
This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may be published. This presentation is held in German.
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Uiterlijke inschrijvingsdatum: zondag 2 maart 2025 om 21:00
Max. aantal deelnemers: 1000