1st Official Meeting of the new Club Year

dinsdag 4 september 2018 19:00, Restaurant Vis-à-Vis

Dear Rotaractors, friends and guests,
We are very happy to invite you to our first official meeting of the new club year.

We will meet on September 4th at 19h in our standard room at Restaurant Vis-à-vis. (Please note that from this new year onwards, we will try to be very disciplined in punctuality and as already communicated during the last GV, we will close the doors at 19:05h, so please be on time.)

The program for the evening will be as follows:

Firstly, the board will introduce the program for the new year, our planned initiatives and introduce some new rules and projects we plan to pursue over the next months.

Thereafter, we are very happy that our longstanding member Veronica will give us a speech about “What is Rotaract and what is Rotary?”.
She has been part of the Rotarian family for a long time and is best positioned to explain to all of us how Rotaract works on a local, district, national and international level.
She will talk about the Rotaract Club structure, the District and CRSL structure and potentially also about the similarity and differences to Rotary.

After the speech, we will as always enjoy a nice dinner and drinks and have room for further discussions about our plans for the next year.

We are looking forward to welcoming many of you!


Sign up until: 03.09.2018, 11.59pm
Sign up: [Doodle]
Please sign up with your full name, e.g. John Smith [Rotaract Club/ Guest]