Rega guided tour
sabato 14 ottobre 2023 12:00-15:00, Rega-Center main entrance (red entrance), Bimenzältenstrasse 87, 8056 Zurich airport
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With our annual motto "Sail around the world", we may find ourselves in rough waters and in need of a guardian angel from above. For this reason, our next trip will take us to Rega, the Swiss Air-Rescue.
On Saturday, October 14th 2023, we will have the opportunity to visit the Rega Center in Kloten. Our member, Philipp Tüchthuisen, will give us a tour of his workplace and introduce us to the Rega Center and the institution "Rega". The event will take place as a partner event with the Rotaract Club Lucerne. After the tour, you will have the possibility to have something to eat together with the members from Lucerne.
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