Hortensia von Roten

þriðjudagur, 29. nóvember 2022 19:00-22:00, Restaurant 13'80, Limmattalstrasse 215, 8049 Zürich
Vefsíða: https://restaurant-13-80.ch

We would like to invite you to our seventh official meeting in this club year on Tuesday, 29th of November at the restaurant 13`80.

Hortensia von Roten, historian and daughter of Iris and Peter von Roten, will visit us and hold a presentation about the feminist opus of her mother "Frauen im Laufgitter" and her perspective as her daughter. Iris von Roten (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_von_Roten) was a lawyer and feminist. She ist most known for her work "Frauen im Laufgitter" (1958) that was critizied at the time by both men and women as being man-hating and radical. In her work she demanded equal rights, equal pay, professional self-determination, day nursery, sex education and free love. Today she is viewed as a feminist icon. The relationship between Iris and Peter von Roten was discussed in the book "Verliebte Feinde" by Wilfried Meichtry and later made into a film. 

Please keep in mind that this presentation could be held in German.

For the food: the restaurant will provide us with a small menu to choose from once we get there.  


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