Zurich Airport Tour
samedi 28 octobre 2023 14:00-19:30, Zurich Airport, Intermediate tract, between Check-in 1 and 2 (Starbucks)
Conférencier(s): Hermann Delliehausen
Following our annual motto: "Sail around the world", we are heading to our home gateway into the vastness of the entire world: Zurich Airport.
The much appreciated Rotarian Hermann will once again take us on one of his famous airport tours and show us the world and life behind the scenes of the airport. He will certainly not fail to explain to us (very proudly) that Zurich Airport is unbeaten worldwide in baggage handling, among other things.
We are looking forward to take off together with you!
Important facts:
- please be there on time
- cost: CHF 10.- per person
- we will be mainly outside; choose your clothes accordingly
- don't bring too many things in order not to take too much time in the security check
Please keep in mind that this presentation may be held in German. This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may be published.
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