Jean-Michel Hatt, Zootierarzt
mardi 17 octobre 2023 19:00, Haus zum Rüden, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zürich
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Conférencier(s): Jean-Michel Hatt
Following our annual motto "Sail around the world" our speaker Jean-Michel Hatt will take us through the animal world and wildlife. He studied veterinary medicine at the University of Geneva and the University of Zurich. Since 2001, Jean-Michel Hatt has been Director of the Clinic for Zoo-animals and Wildlife at the University of Zurich and Chief veterinarian of the Zurich Zoo, Wild Animal Parks Zurich-Langenberg and Winterthur. In his presentation, he will talk about what zoo veterinary medicine encompasses and what the differences are to other areas of veterinary medicine or human medicine.
Please keep in mind that this presentation may be held in German. This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may be published
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