For this weeks's informal meeting we will meet at Paddy Reilly's for a series of fun, laughter and irish drinks. This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between...
Exploring the Swiss economy both for itself and in international comparison. Embarking on our sailing trip under our annual motto "sail around the world", we take a look at our economy and its positioning internationally. Leading us on this journey is Monika Rühl, chairwoman of economiesuisse's e...
For this weeks's informal meeting we will meet at the Cabaret Voltaire for a series of fun, laughter and drinks. And most importantly a lot a Dadaism! This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue t...
Linda Graedel, born in 1941 in San Francisco, gained early recognition in art, leading her to pursue artistic development. She studied at the Art Center School in Los Angeles and further refined her skills in Vienna, Paris, and Zurich. In 1962, she followed her future husband, André Graedel, to S...
Upon popular request for this week's informal meeting we will go back to the Gräbli Bar! This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly...
Please sign up: RAC Zürich zu Besuch bei RC Zürich-Bellevue
Adolf "Dölf" Ogi is a Swiss politician of the Swiss People's Party, SVP Switzerland. He was a member of the Swiss government, the Federal Council, from 1987 to 2000. From 2001 to 2007, he was Special Advisor on Sport for Development and Peace on behalf of the UN. This presentat...
For this week's informal meeting we will meet at Ebrietas Bar. This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where ph...
True to the motto "Sail around the world", two potential new crew members for our sailing crew will tell us something about themselves in their self-presentation, Meret and Julian will introduce themselves. We will also be visited by the current Rotary Governor and there will be some information a...
For this weeks's informal meeting we will meet at a sports hall for a dance course by our member Carina Ragg (19-21h). Afterwards we can proceed to a nearby bar for a series of fun, laughter and drinks. Please bring your "Hallenschuhe" as we are not allowed to enter the hall with normal shoes. Thi...
True to our motto "sail around the world", we are grateful when we can access our money from anywhere on the planet for which we need international banks. And what would our journey be without art along the way? Therefore, we are going on an excursion to the largest private bank...
For this weeks's informal meeting we will meet at the Baryton for a series of fun, laughter and drinks. This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. No...
For this meeting, we will "sail around Zurich" and take a one hour night/evening tour through our beautiful city. We look forward to discovering hidden corners together with you and hearing exciting stories during a lovely evening stroll. We will meet on May 28th at 19h at the Grossmünster's main e...
For this weeks's informal meeting we will meet at the Hafen-Enge-Beiz for a series of fun, laughter and drinks. This informal meeting will have no agenda and no presence requirements. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between u...
Claude Maurer, a Swiss sailor, will conclude our series "Sail around the world" by sharing his sailing experiences with us. He is a multiple Swiss and German champion and achieved 5th place in the European Championship in the 49er boat class. He also participated in the 2000 ...
Sommerfest in der Forsthütte Geeren mit spannender Wald-Wildspuren-Führung, organisiert durch RC Zurich Plus: "Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unser Sommerfest in der Forsthütte Geeren den Auftakt des diesjährigen rotarischen Sommerprogramms bildet. Eingeleitet wird das Sommerfest mit einer spannenden Wa...
Rotaract @ home For the last informal meeting, the president invites you to his home for a cozy get-together. The meeting takes place in Kay's garden, and it would be very helpful if everyone brings something to drink or eat. There will be a barbecue that you can use.
Einladung zur Rotaract Club Zürich Sommerparty Liebe Rotaracter, Freunde und Gäste, wir freuen uns, euch zu unserer diesjährigen Sommerparty einzuladen! Lasst uns gemeinsam den Sommer feiern, neue Freundschaften knüpfen und eine tolle Zeit verbringen. Datum: 29. Juni 2024 Zeit: Ab 17:00 Uhr...
Barbecue am See, organisiert durch RC Zurich International "Bei diesem Anlass soll es darum gehen, neue rotarische Freundinnen und Freunde zu gewinnen und einen schönen Sommerabend direkt am Zürichsee zu geniessen. Der RC Zurich International wird Soft drinks, Salate und Würste anbieten. Wer will, ...
Jonathan McMillan, Buchvorstellung “Kapitalismus und Marktwirtschaft», organisiert durch RC Zürich City "Der Anlass beginnt mit einem Apéro, bei dem die Kontakte über die Clubgrenzen hinaus vertieft werden können. Der Aperitif und der Wein zum Essen werden vom RC Zürich City offeriert. Beitrag an...
Besichtigung Briefverteilzentrum Zürich-Mülligen, organisiert durch Rotary eClub 2000 "Das Programm umfasst eine Präsentation, eine Führung und einen Apéro (Beitrag ca. CHF 20). Die Führung dauert ca. 2 Stunden - geschlossene und bequeme Schuhe werden empfohlen. Die Führung ist für Kinder ab 10 Ja...
Legendäres Doktorhaus BBQ auf dem Loorenkopf, organisiert durch RC Zürich-Bellevue "Wir beginnen mit einem Waldspaziergang zum Grillplatz beim Aussichtsturm Loorenkopf, gefolgt von einem Apéro und einem Essen, um Freundschaften über Vereinsgrenzen hinweg zu pflegen und die Natur zu geniessen. Das B...
During the first official meeting of the new club year, we will introduce the new board and provide a preview of the goals, program and projects. We are looking forward to starting into this new Rotaract year with all of you. This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may b...
This week we will have our informal meeting at Rimini Bar for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where photo...
For our second official meeting of the club year, we will receive a visit from the Rotary Club Zürich-Bellevue. The Rotary Club Zürich-Bellevue has recently grown through a merger with the Rotary Club Zürich-Adlisberg. We are looking forward to presenting our Rotaract Club and getting to know t...
This week we will have our informal meeting at Bar Münster for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where phot...
Mayowa Alaye was elected into her canton's parliament when she was 20 years old. In her speech, she will explore what it takes to engage in militia politics and discuss the impact of having politics shaped by dedicated, part-time citizen legislators. Mayowa studies law at the University of Zurich a...
This week we will have our informal meeting at George Bar & Grill for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event...
Olena Pantsiuk is a Ukrainian journalist. She grew up in Pripyat, where her father worked at the nearby Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Olena and her family were evacuated after the disaster at the plant. Her story was featured in a short video by the BBC. With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Ol...
This week we will have our informal meeting at Bar am Wasser for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where ph...
Together with the Rotary Club Zürich Turicum, we will visit the production of Planted in Kemptthal. Planted is a spin-off from ETH Zürich and produces plant-based meat alternatives. Please sign up until October 18: This meeting is held in...
This week we will have our informal meeting at the Nelson Pub for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where ph...
Bist du bereit, dein Gesangstalent unter Beweis zu stellen? Begleite uns zu einem Abend voller Spaß und Musik!
Andri Silberschmidt is a Swiss politician and entrepreneur. He was elected to the Swiss National Council in 2019. In addition to his political role, Andri is the founder of Kaisin, a restaurant company with more than 10 locations. Andri will tell us about his personal journey including both his pol...
This week we will have our informal meeting at the Gräbli Bar for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where pho...
Wir sind herzlich eingeladen, beim jährlichen Weihnachtskranz-binden vom Rotary Club Zürich International teilzunehmen. Jedes Jahr kommen Mitglieder der rotarischen Familie zusammen, um 120 Kränze zu binden und durch deren Verkauf CHF 10'000 zu sammeln. Der Erlös der Kränze kommt zu 100% der Notsch...
Details und genaue Zeiten siehe Distrikt-Agenda über den obenstehenden Link.
Garderobe: Festlich elegant I Smoking I dunkler Anzug Ballkarte: Exklusives Angebot für RAC Zürich-Mitglieder: Ermässigter Eintrittspreis von CHF 180 pro Personbeinhaltet: Aperitif, trockenes Gedeck, Unterhaltung & Spende (weitere Spenden sind herzlich willkommen) Benefizveranstaltung: Der Erlö...
Ilona Schmiel is the director of Tonhalle Zürich. With her leadership, she plays a vital role in making classical music accessible to new audiences, especially young people. In her talk, Ilona will share her vision for the future of classical music, reflecting on her journey and the importance of k...
This week we will have our informal meeting at Bar Münster for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where photos...
Hilf den Tieren vom Tierschutz Zürich, indem wir gemeinsam das Gelände winterfest machen.
Unser diesjähriges Weihnachtsessen findet wieder in Form eines Fondueabends bei Fischer's Fritz statt. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Euch das Jahr 2024 ausklingen zu lassen!
Verbringe einen Nachmittag mit Spaziergang und Spielen mit den Bewohner:innen von IWAZ, um vorweihnachtliche Freude zu verbreiten! IWAZ ist eine Sozialstiftung, die Menschen mit einer Behinderung grösstmögliche Selbstbestimmung und eine optimale berufliche und soziale Integration ermöglicht. Als St...
For this week, we will have our informal meeting and the last one of 2024 at the Christmas Market at Bellevue.We will meet on Tuesday, December 17th at 19:00. Meeting point is Brasserie Schiller, Sechseläutenplatz 10, Goethestrasse 10, 8001 Zürich for a series of fun laughter, and drinks.
Mach mit beim 3-Königskuchen-Verkauf des Rotary Club Zürich City! Wir sind herzlich eingeladen, den Rotary Club Zürich City bei Ihrem 3-Königskuchen-Verkauf zu unterstützen! Am 6. Januar brauchen wir deine Unterstützung, um gemeinsam etwas Gutes zu tun! Wir verkaufen 250 Dreikönigskuchen an einem z...
For this week, we will have our informal meeting and the first one of 2025 at the Cabaret Voltaire. We will meet on Tuesday, January 7th at 19:00, for a series of fun, laughter and drinks.
Our member Philipp Tüchthuisen will share his experiences as a beekeeper. Having recently completed training in beekeeping, he will provide insights into this rewarding hobby and offer a closer look at the fascinating world of bees. His talk will cove...
Join us for our traditional visit to the Rotary Club Zürich-Bellevue. We will meet for dinner and fun discussions to get to know each others members. Please think about two objects that are important to you. You can bring them to the meeting, but you do not have to. The introductions at the tables ...