Eindrücke aus Ruanda - Unser Mitglied, Sandra Hunziker berichtet

martes, 5 de marzo de 2024 19:00, Haus zum Rüden, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zürich
Sitio web: https://www.haus-zum-rueden.ch

True to our motto: "sail around the world", this week's sailing trip takes us to a faraway place - Ruanda. Our member, Sandra Hunziker, recently visited this country and tells us about the people, the culture and the nature. Sandra was not only there for a vacation, but this was also the start of a new social project, about which she will also tell us something. We are very excited and looking forward to this presentation.

This presentation will be held in German.

please indicate your food preference in the comments

(meat or vegetarian)

Bild: Sandra Hunziker


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