This week we will have our informal meeting at the Nelson Pub for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where ph...
Bist du bereit, dein Gesangstalent unter Beweis zu stellen? Begleite uns zu einem Abend voller Spaß und Musik!
Andri Silberschmidt is a Swiss politician and entrepreneur. He was elected to the Swiss National Council in 2019. In addition to his political role, Andri is the founder of Kaisin, a restaurant company with more than 10 locations. Andri will tell us about his personal journey including both his pol...
This week we will have our informal meeting at the Gräbli Bar for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where pho...
Wir sind herzlich eingeladen, beim jährlichen Weihnachtskranz-binden vom Rotary Club Zürich International teilzunehmen. Jedes Jahr kommen Mitglieder der rotarischen Familie zusammen, um 120 Kränze zu binden und durch deren Verkauf CHF 10'000 zu sammeln. Der Erlös der Kränze kommt zu 100% der Notsch...
Details und genaue Zeiten siehe Distrikt-Agenda über den obenstehenden Link.
Garderobe: Festlich elegant I Smoking I dunkler Anzug Ballkarte: Exklusives Angebot für RAC Zürich-Mitglieder: Ermässigter Eintrittspreis von CHF 180 pro Personbeinhaltet: Aperitif, trockenes Gedeck, Unterhaltung & Spende (weitere Spenden sind herzlich willkommen) Benefizveranstaltung: Der Erlö...
Ilona Schmiel is the director of the Tonhalle Zürich and will be talking about the future of classical music. This is a publicly advertised event where photos are taken, which may be published. This presentation is held in German.
This week we will have our informal meeting at Bar Münster for a series of fun, laughter and drinks we are pleased and happy of you. Just bring an open mind to listen to everyone's stories and let's continue to strengthen the social bonds between us. This is a publicly advertised event where photos...
Verbringe einen Nachmittag mit Spaziergang und Spielen mit den Bewohner:innen von IWAZ, um vorweihnachtliche Freude zu verbreiten! IWAZ ist eine Sozialstiftung, die Menschen mit einer Behinderung grösstmögliche Selbstbestimmung und eine optimale berufliche und soziale Integration ermöglicht. Als St...
For this week, we will have our informal meeting and the last one of 2024 at the Christmas Market at Bellevue.We will meet on Tuesday, December 17th at 19:00 directly at the location for a series of fun laughter, and drinks.